Commercial Office Cleaning Services in Louisville

img Commercial Office Cleaning Services

Walking into a clean office environment boosts morale and productivity regardless of your industry. Consistent, thorough, high-quality cleaning services have a direct impact on your business’s success, and with Vanguard, you can enjoy these benefits without hiring and managing your own janitorial staff.

Our team has experience servicing hundreds of offices of all kinds across the greater Louisville area. We have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to improve the health, morale, and productivity of your workforce with meticulous and effective cleaning services.

Common janitorial services performed for offices include:

img Vanguard High Touch Disinfecting Office v2

High Touch Disinfecting

“Spray, Dwell, and Wipe” disinfection of standard high-touch areas:

  • Light switches
  • Touch plates
  • Handrails
  • Door knob/handles

img Vanguard HEPA Filter Vacuums

HEPA Filter Vacuuming

HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) vacuums use filters that are capable of trapping extremely small, micron-sized particles. This ensures the maximum amount of particulates and allergens are removed from your facility.

img Vanguard Electrostatic Spraying v2

Electrostatic Spraying/Deep Cleaning

Disinfecting using FDA-recommended solutions and a Victory electrostatic sprayer to reduce chemical usage that impacts air quality.